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                Kuturqi means a lucky place in Elunchun language. Kuturqi square was built in July,

                2006 and covers 153,600 square meters. There are five wall relief walls and nine totem poles. The relief walls are specially built as Xianrenzhu (Elunchun people’s house). The totem poles are carving patterns of snake gods, wind gods, hawk gods and so on. People looking from the airplane, the square looks like the patterns on the birch bark box. 1-210Z9234Z14A.jpgIn night the square looks like a bonfire under lighting effects. The square shows the primitive religion belief, birch bark culture, hunting culture of the Elunchun national minority. Kuturqi square is the symbol building of Elunchun. In the southwest of the square there stands Fighting the Japanese Invading Army Monument. The monument was built in memory of thousands of martyrs who died for the liberation of Elunchun.