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                1-210Z9235050X4.jpgElunchun minoritys main house is Xianrenzhu. It is a cone wooden shelf. In the summer, Elunchun people use birch bark to cover the shelf which is called Talu. Or they process the birch bark to a big piece. A piece of birch bark usually can be made length 34 meters ,width 1 meter. Another cover in the summer is reed. In winter, in order to resist the low temperature Elunchun people need to use deer fur to cover their houses. This kind of cover is called Erdun. One big Erdun needs 25 pieces of deer fur. Small Erdun needs 10 pieces. Usually one Xianrenzhu needs 2 big pieces and 1 small piece.   

                  In the middle of Xianrenzhu, there is bonfire. It is used to warm, cook. Around the bonfire, people put the dried grass and deer fur on the ground. These deer furs are their beds. The place facing the door belongs to the guests and old man. The both sides belong to middle-aged couples and young couples. In summer people use wicker as their curtain of the door. In winter it is usually is deer fur.