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                Announcement of the environmental protection acceptance content of the furnace renovation project

                According to the "Decision of the State Council on Amending the "Regulations on the Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects" (State Council Order No. 682), and the Ministry of Environmental Protection "Announcement on Issuing the "Interim Measures for the Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects" (National Environmental Regulations and Environmental Assessment [ 2017] No. 4), the environmental protection acceptance content (including acceptance monitoring report and acceptance opinion) of the completed boiler renovation project of Inner Mongolia Alihe Huayang Electrical Laminated Wood Co., Ltd. is announced as follows:

                Project Name: Boiler Renovation Project of Inner Mongolia Alihe Huayang Electric Laminated Wood Co., Ltd.

                Location: Alihe Town, Olunchun Autonomous Banner, Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

                Construction unit: Inner Mongolia Alihe Huayang Electrical Laminated Wood Co., Ltd.

                Construction content: In order to effectively improve the environmental air quality, the state promulgated the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan" (Guofa [2013] No. 37) in 2013, which stated that "By 2017, except for necessary reservations, In built-up areas of prefecture-level and above cities, coal-fired boilers with a capacity of 10 steam tons or less per hour are basically eliminated, and new coal-fired boilers with a capacity of less than 20 steam tons per hour are prohibited; in principle, no new coal-fired boilers with a capacity of less than 10 steam tons per hour will not be built in other areas. boiler". The "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environment Protection in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" (Neizhengbanfa [2017] No. 95) pointed out that "before the end of 2017, all coal-fired boilers of 20t/h and below will be eliminated." One DZL10-1.25-AII coal-fired steam boiler and one DZL4-1.0-AII waste-burning steam boiler have been built in the boiler room of the plant area of Inner Mongolia Alihe Huayang Electric Laminated Wood Co., Ltd. Therefore, Alihe, Inner Mongolia Huayang Electric Laminated Wood Co., Ltd. plans to invest 1.16 million yuan to dismantle 1 DZL10-1.25-AII coal-fired steam boiler and 1 DZL4-1.0-AII waste-burning steam boiler in the existing boiler room, using 1 DZL10-1.25-S type biomass-fired steam boiler is substituted, relying on existing environmental protection facilities as much as possible to provide steam for the whole plant. The emissions of soot, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides after the treatment of biomass boilers should meet the requirements of the "Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standards" (GB13271-2014) for the emission limits of air pollutants for coal-fired boilers (smoke ≤50mg/m3, SO2≤300mg /m3, NOX≤300mg/m3), discharged through the existing chimney.

                Publicity time: November 1, 2019 to November 29, 2019 (20 working days)

                Contact: Wang Cuijuan

                Contact number: 0470-5623672

                Email: acybc@163.com

                During the publicity period, if you have any objections to the above publicity content, please give feedback in written form. Individuals must sign their real names and units must affix their official seals.