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                Service Hotline:+86(470)5623672
                Brief Introduction

                Inner Mongolia Alihe HuaYang Electrical Laminated Wood Co., Ltd, formally the Plywood Factory of Alihe Forestry Bureau, was founded in 1988. The company has 275 workers, occupied area 65,000m2, building area 15,000m2 and fixed assets 32 million Yuan. The company now can produce electrical laminated wood, its end products and pressure rings etc.5000 tons yearly in which the scarf-joint electrical laminated wood is 1500 tons.

                The company produce various scarf-joint laminated wood and rings majorly. The company has advanced production equipments and equipped four key large-breadth hot presses whose pressure for one is 10000 tons. The company installed the domestic most advanced veneer grinding and cutting lengthen machine which made full-veneer unitization.

                In order to make sure the quality, the company established the quality detection center, built the specialized lab which owned sensitivity equipment and metal detector. In 2000 the company smoothly passed ISO 9001 International Quality System. The company’s product Anlan electrical laminated wood has reached the qualified standard through the National Legal Authorized Institution and foreign authoritative labs. The products’ quality is steady and reliable, and receives high praises from the users. The products are sold well to all parts of the country and the company establishes favorable and stable supply-demand relationship with home and abroad customers.

                Many years hard-working obtained great honors for the company. The company was awarded as Inner Mongolia Technologically Star Enterprise, Inner Mongolia Independent Innovation Top 50 Enterprises, Unit of Contract Observation and Credit Regard,Inner Mongolia Dragon Enterprise. Anlan electrical laminated wood was awarded Customer-Satisfied Products of China by QAC, Inner Mongolia Famous Products, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region New products and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Famous Brand.

                HuaYang Company will insist the idea of Pay Close Attention to the Customers, Cast Anlan Brand with Sincere. The company will provide super service for the transformer enterprises.
